Dance Battle | Our favorite dance floor photos of 2023

Ah yes, the dance floor. It is, in our opinion, the pinnacle of the wedding day. The celebration is under way, the drinks are flowing, all formalities are out of the way, and there is only one thing left to do for the rest of the night. It is the time where the true party animals and the back seat observers become divided on a wedding day.

It doesn’t matter if you can stay on beat or how many drinks it takes you to get there, we love to see you out on the floor. Heck! Put those hands up in the air like you are a millennial that truly doesn’t care and shake your hips to the bumping sounds of the Ying Yang Twins and Usher. Are you having fun? Because that is all that really matters.. and hey! there is an open bar. The cheapest you have ever drank since dollar pitcher night in college.

Here is a recap of our favorite dance floor photos of 2023... Bring it on 2024!